Sage Session: Self Realm

You Have Entered the Realm of Participation

Hi Participants,
Welcome to the Realm of Participation. I’m glad you want to enhance your Self Mastery in the Participation Realm via some Sage Sessions. There are Four significant areas of focus in the Participation Realm.
As the Sage of Participation, I offer a package of 3 Sessions called a ‘Choose Your Participation’ Card (CYP Card).
Here’s how it works:

You get 3 sessions that MUST be used in 3 months. (can be used in less time if you choose)
You can schedule at your discretion within that time as long as our calendars fit.
At the end of 3 sessions (even if you use them in a shorter time than 3 months), you can
*Renew your card
*Shift to a different Sage

It’s your choice
You can use the time within the Session in any one of 3 ways.
You can ask me to show up in the role of:
Coach – pure coaching wherein you seek out your own wisdom
Mentor – a mix of coaching and sharing of wisdom/ perspectives/ ideas.
Sage – using one of the 7 Spells of Power or other Magical Art.
You get to choose, in each session.
Sessions last from 30-45 minutes.
The price for the package is $1,000. Per CYA Card.
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