Sage Session: Wealth Realm

You Have Entered the Realm of Wealth

When you want really deep and personal support in the Wealth Realm, here’s how your Wealth Sage can support you outside of Million Quest:
Here’s how it works:

Abundance Day
This is a private, one-on-one VIP INTENSIVE to finally slay your “monster"–and heal your relationship with money (and life)–for good!
I request you set aside at least 6 hours for your Abundance Day:
- First we annihilate your Money Monster and obliterate any limiting
feelings of unworthiness and anxiety around money. - Then we install your new relationship with money… your “Money
Honey,” and you will know EXACTLY what your new relationship with
money needs from you to stay with you. - Then we design–you, me, and your Money Honey–your Money Magnetic Prosperity Plan for the coming year… how to take your joy and your gifts out in the world to help others, have fun, and make BIG money too!